
Webhooks Catalog Based on Status Names

Clients can subscribe to receive webhooks based on the following status names. Choose the statuses you wish to monitor and configure your webhook to receive notifications when a status change occurs.

Status NameDescription
initialStateThe shipment's initial state
draftThe shipment has been created as a draft
confirmedThe shipment has been confirmed by the system
readyToPickupThe shipment is ready for pickup
onRoadToPickupThe shipment is on the way for pickup
collectedThe shipment has been collected
unsuccessfulPickupThe pickup attempt was unsuccessful
storedThe shipment is stored
onContainerThe shipment is loaded onto a container
chargedToVehicleThe shipment has been charged to a vehicle
onLinehaulThe shipment is on the linehaul
onRoadToDeliveryThe shipment is on the way to delivery
deliveredThe shipment has been successfully delivered
unsuccessfulDeliveryThe delivery attempt was unsuccessful
onRoadToReturnThe shipment is on the way to be returned
returnedThe shipment has been returned
driverAssignedToPickUpA driver has been assigned to pick up the shipment
unsuccessfulReturnThe return attempt was unsuccessful
inPoint99The shipment is in a near-final state before return
readyToReturnThe shipment is ready to be returned
potentiallyDeliveryThe shipment is potentially going to be delivered
potentiallyReturnThe shipment is potentially going to be returned
potentiallyWarehouseThe shipment is potentially headed to a warehouse
potentiallyLostThe shipment is potentially lost
onCostumerReviewThe shipment is under customer review
claimedThe shipment has been claimed
endedThe shipment process has ended
inCorrectionThe shipment is undergoing corrections
correctedThe shipment has been corrected
maxDeliveryAttemptsMaximum delivery attempts reached
maxReturnAttemptsMaximum return attempts reached
stolenThe shipment has been marked as stolen
lostThe shipment has been lost
cancelledThe shipment has been cancelled
damagedThe shipment has been damaged
invalidAddressThe shipment has an invalid address
indeterminateClosureThe shipment closure is indeterminate
draftCancelledByUserThe draft shipment has been cancelled by the user
maxPickupAttemptsMaximum pickup attempts reached
draftArchivedThe draft shipment has been archived
inUpdates:PACKAGE_RESIZINGThe shipment is being updated with package resizing
inUpdates:ADDRESS_FIXERThe shipment is being updated with an address correction

This catalog allows clients to define and manage the webhooks they want to receive based on specific shipment statuses.